I thought it was about time I wrote my first ‘fascinating
science’ blog post, and considering I recently co-authored a report on ocean
noise, and just gave a lecture on ‘human noise in the sea’, I thought this
would be a good topic.
Listening for sperm whales & beaked whales in the Bahamas |
I have spent a lot of time listening to the sounds of the
sea, sitting on boats with earphones strapped to my ears connected up to a
hydrophone (underwater microphone) being towed behind the boat. The sound of the sea can be soothing (is
there any better sound than sitting on a beach listening to waves crashing?)… I’ve
sat listening to a cacophony of snapping shrimp (sounds like popcorn popping or
small firecrackers), breaking of waves, the soothing sound of rain on the
surface of the sea, the slow echoey clicks of sperm whales, and the joyful
sound of dolphins whistling away. Even snorkelling
you hear all sorts of sounds from marine life – marine life is surprisingly
noisy. So it can be a soothing life, the
life of a bioacoustician (that’s what they call us – scientists who study the
sounds of life) – sitting listening to the sounds of the sea (and admittedly
sometimes falling asleep to the sound of the sea!). [For a good collection of
sounds of the sea check out the DOSITS (Discovery of Sound in the Sea) website
But the sea is full of human noise too, sitting on ships
listening to the sea obviously there is the continuous sound of the ship as it
moves through the water. I have worked mostly
on quiet scientific ships with ‘quiet’ propellers, but there were times when
the quietened propellers didn’t work well and at certain boat speeds there
would be a loud high pitched constant squeal, giving you a headache as you
tried to pick out any dolphin and whale sounds in the background. Ships contribute an enormous amount of noise
to the marine environment. Propellers,
flow noise of water around the ship, engine noise… all help to make a boat
noisy – and there are A LOT of ships in the ocean. Just think of all those ships transporting
goods around the world, not to mention all the other boats that use the
seas. Studies have shown that shipping
is responsible for a 3dB/year (that’s a doubling) in low frequency noise in the
oceans (< 50 Hz – we can hear from 20 Hz to 20 kHz). The sea is full of a constant hum of noise.
Why does it matter? Low frequency sound can travel over massive distances – it propagates
well. In fact it propagates so well that
some whales like blue whales make sounds of similarly low frequency to
communicate across ocean basins – thousands of kilometres. Scientists believe that this allows them to
communicate for breeding purposes.
However with the increase in low frequency ocean noise, this now means
that whales are only able to communicate over 100s of kilometres instead of
1000s of kilometres [see this article]. Who knows what the consequences of such changes are… if
these sounds are used for finding mates then how are the whales coping not
being able to communicate over such large distances? Whales range over such large distances it
makes it difficult to know how many of them there are and therefore how they
are doing – we don’t know whether this increase in noise is having knock-on
consequences on breeding success. But
what is increasingly being shown is that shipping noise is stressful for marine
life. There are a very few but
increasing number of studies showing increasing levels of stress in animals
exposed to increased shipping noise. For
whales, there is the wonderful study carried out on right whales:
Picture this: right whales have suffered over time… they are
called right whales because they were the ‘right’ whales to hunt and were
pretty decimated by the whaling industry.
But they hung on in there, but now struggle because they are prone to
getting hit by ships. Scientists did some
wonderful studies looking at how they used the sea and found that there were
certain areas that were most important for the animals for feeding purposes but these were right in the middle of the shipping lane –
they told the government and managed to get the shipping lane adjusted so it
avoided the right whale critical habitat [see this article].
What a win for conservation science!
The scientists continue to monitor the whales and started recording
ocean noise. Then along came 9/11, the
shock of the plane going into the twin towers in New York (I remember seeing it
on the internet working on one of the top floors of the second highest building
in Manchester – I still remember the feeling of shock). Traffic to & from
the US stopped. This included a
substantial reduction in shipping – in fact there was such a reduction in
shipping that noise levels in the right whale habitat reduced by 6dB. Meanwhile scientists continue to study the
whales – now they were following the whales and getting dogs to sniff out their
poo after they’d dived. They collected
that poo and analysed it for stress hormones.
They showed that right whales were less stressed during the time of
reduced shipping noise, but much more stressed with the substantially higher
level of ship noise [see this article]. So if right whales
are more stressed from high levels of shipping noise other marine mammals are
likely to be stressed out too. This will
have knock-on consequences for animal health, reproduction, and overall fitness.
And it’s not just whales that have been shown to get
stressed due to high levels of noise – a study that was published only this
week showed that shore crabs exposed to ship noise had a higher metabolism – ‘crabsget crabby exposed to ship noise’.
Similar studies have been done with shrimp showing lower levels of growth
and lower reproductive rates with higher noise levels [see this paper].
So as our seas are getting noisier from all the ships
travelling around the world delivering goods, there is a growing body of works
showing that we are stressing out marine life.
I’m not sure what the solution is… ship builders are making quieter
ships – but it takes a long time to change over a shipping fleet – ships are
operational for decades. It’s something
to ponder over…
p.s. I see this blog as ‘ocean noise part 1’ because there
are many other sources of human noise in the sea which cause problems for
marine life… so watch this space for future blogs on ocean noise ;)
pps. Blog posts have been a bit slow because our household was
hit by a 4 week flu virus (2 batches with not much recovery between).
I was really interested in this, Clare, thanks. I knew human noise under the sea was an issue but not the details, and hadn't heard at all about the crabs. I'm looking forward to the next part. Hope you and the family are all feeling better now!